Don Gates


Don Gates

Don Gates

Advice & How To

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  • Member Since

    Feb 2023

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  • Country

    United Kingdom

  • Profession

    Road safety professional


Don has spent most of his life working in the driver training and testing industry. He began as a driving instructor way back in 1984 working for a local driving school, before retraining under the British School of Motoring, and eventually going on to run his own business.

Not content to stay at that level, he became a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, passed the RoSPA police driving test at gold standard; and began to train company car drivers for the advanced tests.

Don then went on to become a driving examiner, a job which he did for many years before leaving to branch out on his own once again.

He now spends most of his time writing, using his extensive experience at all levels of driver training and testing to produce a series of books which will hopefully help him to pass on some of that knowledge to you.

Don has recently launched a website at

When he has spare time he also likes to cook, but is not yet planning on launching any recipe books!

Don Gates Books

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